Clinical Research

The Department of Clinical Research was started several years ago. The scope of the department is to conduct high quality research in translation medicine with the aim to:
Test and develop newer treatment modalities
Improve patient handling and management

Our Process

Surgical Department

Patients receive the outmost respect in terms of privacy and confidentiality. This is through strict and proper management of all patient information and documentation, which makes us unique.

Surgical Departments which administers all departmental functions and the provision of surgical diagnostic and therapeutic services. Some of the more intensive surgeries still require patients to stay overnight or longer in a hospital setting. This allows clinical staff to monitor the patient’s recovery and ensures immediate medical attention in case of complications. These patients will attend on the day of admission, to be seen by the doctors, Anesthetist and nurses to have the admission documentation completed and be prepared for theatre.

Clinical Development
Regulatory & Access
Functional Service
The Hospital

Harem Hospital Activities

Harem Hospital is prepared to be a center of excellence dedicated to provision of the highest quality clinical care to patients in Sulaymnaiya and lraq. Our medical staff, over 50 consultant physicians and surgeons, together with our outstanding nursing staff and all the other healthcare professions at other hospitals makes it their mission to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and communities.


After an intensive training course for nurses and anesthesia assistants, which lasted more than (45 days).

30 theory lessons and 60 hours of practice in:
Adult courtyard.
Emergency emergency.
Neonatal Intensive Care ( NICU )
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

We ended the course and certificates were awarded to the participants in a special ceremony.


Three seminars for parents
Speech and Language Clinic organized three seminars for parents, for each of:
Dr. Makwan Mohammed / Psychiatrist
Under the title: ” Child Mental Disorders

Shahen Sharif / Speech Coach.. Under the title: ” Pampering mistakes and consequences

Ashna Mahmoud / Speech Coach.. Under the title: ” The effect of screens on children’s speech

Wound Care Workshop

A scientific workshop consumables and food supplements used in hospitals and health care institutions. The workshop was attended by a group of the hospital’s specialized doctors and nursing staff for raising awareness on how to take care of wounds and the latest advice and the correct wound care process.

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